- The bus driver was in full shavasna. It was his day off but he still showed up to the station to share his sun.
- Love yourself first (then find someone who will watch!!!!!)
- Sometimes he liked to imagine the sliding doors to the lobby were opened by his mind.
- Why the fingerless gloves though, girl?
- He said his feelings were like a door, opening briefly then shut again. She said her feelings were like "those bead curtains".
- He needed a new duvet and she was Swedish, so he took her to IKEA for meatballs. "Worldly AND sexual," he thought, satisfied.
- The pie chart for the universe is a birds-eye view of a KFC bucket meal.
- The dog ate his diploma.
- He had to throw away his box of condoms - past expiration.
- Failing is simply failing to fit in, said the recruiter.
Andrea Grassi